We regularly assist to banks, investment funds, shipowners, auditors and insurance companies with ships valuation. We provide the market valuation of the ships, on basis the prices reported and availability of ships (we analyze recent deals and offers on market with similar parameters). However, we always taking into account unique characteristic of each vessel: maximum speed, consumption, engine maker, building country, shipyard (known or unknown, experienced or unexperienced), reputation of the owners, position of class and recent port state inspection results.

Our experts have a huge experience in sale and purchase of various types of vessel. Daily operations with great massive of information and understanding of the shipping market, gives us possibility to provide You with quite precise, qualitative and well based valuation of required vessels within a short time: from few hours (for standard ships types) up to several days (for specialized or rear ships);

As well we assist with historical valuation of the vessels (when it is required to evaluate the price of the vessel during certain period in past).

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