Whilst many people in the market know that some of our team members used to work together for much longer than Marine Services Group exists, our journey started on August 4, 2004, when our insurance arm Marine Insurance Services SIA was incorporated. It did not take long when we realized that there is a demand from our clients for additional services, so we have attracted talented individuals to launch legal, survey and S&P activities. Since 2017 we have started to provide also non-marine (Private & Corporate) insurance, thus we are ready to become your insurance partner in any situation.


We are:


  • One of the largest marine and aviation insurance brokers in Central and Eastern Europe;
  • One of the TOP 10 brokers in the Baltic States in terms of premium volume;
  • More than 50% of cargo and aviation and 90% of shipowners insurance premiums handled by Latvian insurance brokers are handled by us;
  • More than 40 highly skilled professionals;
  • Servicing top insurance companies for claims and recoveries;
  • Carrying between 120-200 surveys and investigations per year;
  • Assisting in selling/purchasing of more than 20 vessels per year;
  • With offices in the 7 most convenient cities across the region: Riga, Tallinn, Odessa, Dubai, Larnaca, Ghent, Malaga.



Marine Insurance Services
Client complaint handling procedure (in English)
Marine Insurance Services
klientu sūdzību izskatīšanas noteikumi (in Latvian)
Marine Insurance Services
Procedimientos de examen de reclamationes de clientessia (in Spanish)
Mūsu Domīnija SIA Client complaint handling procedure
(Mūsu Domīnija SIA  klientu sūdzību izskatīšanas noteikumi (in Latvian))
Mūsu Domīnija SIA Informācija attiecībā uz ilgtspēju, finanšu pakalpojumu nozarē  (latviski)
Marine Services Group Privacy Policy (in English)
Marine Services Group Privātuma politika (in Latvian)
Personal data processing policy during the events organised by Marine Services Group (in English)
Fizisko personu datu apstrādes politika Marine Services Group rīkotajos pasākumos (in Latvian)


Marine Insurance Services SIA annual report for year 2023 and Mūsu Domīnija SIA annual report for year 2023 are available upon request at companies offices (4A Baznicas Street, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia).

© Marine Services Group