Case Study “Gray Insurance Coverage Zones”
September 7, 2018
September 26-27, 2018 St. Petersburg will host the conference “TransLogistics St. Petersburg. Practical solutions in logistics.”
The conference is intended for cargo owners, transport and logistics companies, customs operators, insurance companies, and is organized in the case studies format, which maximizes the acquisition of practical experience, partnership networking and informal communication.
The program consists of 4 thematic blocks:
– Optimization of logistics processes;
– Automation and IT in logistics;
– Foreign economic activity, customs;
– Safety of Cargo.
In the session “Safety of Cargo” the case “Gray insurance coverage zones” is presented by our colleague – Stanislav Kovaljov, an insurance broker from the Estonian branch of the Marine Services Group and has experience in cargo insurance for more than 12 years.
We are confident that the rich content of the conference and the practical experience of the speakers will allow the conference participants to find opportunities to optimize the transport and logistics business.
Conference program and registration: http://www.translogistica-spb.ru/