The Marine Shipsale Services Will Have Presentation At The Azov-Blsea & Med Cargo Flow Outlook Conference
September 7, 2018
On 20 September 2018, II International trading and shipping conference Azov-BlSea & Med Cargo Flow Outlook will be held in Odessa, Ukraine.
Conference is aimed at helping the shipowners, charterers and brokers answer the main question – Is now already the new era of high freight? Should the shipowners and investors leave memories about 2007-2008 behind and work here and now, being satisfied with the existing freight traffic and daily earnings, or maybe the market has just taken a short break before proceeding with further improvement, and it’s time for traders to start considering new logistics and optimization schemes?
The answers can be found only through objective and highly professional assessment of prospects of main export markets, namely grain, metallurgical, coal, chemical and construction ones, as well as through close study of the dynamics of the world’s dry bulk fleet market. During the conference, the participants will have an opportunity to listen almost 20 presentations of highly-experienced professionals from different countries who are about to offer practical solutions for doing business in Ukraine.
At the conference, Alexandr Lisitskiy, Sale and Purchase Broker, Member of the Board at Marine Shipsale Services Ltd (part of Marine Services Group), will give the presentation “Small-tonnage freight market. Newbuilding and demolition dynamics and trends for 3-10,000 dwt fleet”. Alexander has worked more than 20 years in the shipping industry in various positions comprising shipbroking, chartering, ships operations and port agency. He has an experience and expertise in ship sale and purchase, chartering and ships operations, handling of maritime claims, laytime and demurrage, maritime insurance. So, we hope his presentation will be useful and relevant for conference’s participants.
The information about conference is available at https://freight-forum.com/
Venue: IlDecameron Clubhouse Odessa, 10 Kachinskogo Street, Odessa, Ukrain