Final: Marine Services Beach Volleyball Cup’17

December 21, 2017

Our congratulations to the winner of Marine Services Beach Volleyball Cup 2017 –  Rigas Tirdzniecibas Osta, the team protected their champion’s title the second year in a row. Also congratulations to the 2nd placeholder  – ABLV Bank and the 3rd place – GGP! Cup of Hope went to Ursus Forwarding!
20 teams from the industry-leading companies participated all summer long to get an opportunity to participate in the beach volley Final. In total teams played Qualification game + 5 Round and the final.
On the day of the final, 12 teams which completed Round 5 in the highest positions composed Division 1, sequentially 8 less strongest teams composes Division 2,  where they competed for the “Cup of Hope” trophy.

We thank all teams and supporters for the participation and looking forward to the tournament 2018 next summer!
Special throwback video from the Final –

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