Odessa Office: Seminar Series In October
September 29, 2016
Odessa autumn seminar series continues on October 4 and 5 we have scheduled two seminars!
If you would like to attend one of our seminars please send us your request at info@marineservices.lv
Places are limited.
October 4, 2016, from 18.30-20.30
Seminar 3: “Charterer, what is your risk?”
Seminar questions:
• Consideration of the case studies.
• Risks and their nature.
October 5, 2016, from 18.30-20.30
Seminar 4: “The responsibility of logistics companies – – myths and realities.”
Seminar questions:
• Discussion of the various case studies.
• Who, what and when is responsible and to the what extent.
• The relationship between the parties – regulations in the international transportation.
Adress: Henuezka Street, 24B, Odessa, Ukraine