The online system for cargo declaration and insurance is a great solution for our cargo insurance customers saving them valuable time and relieving from need to submit multiple documents. The system operates in three languages — English, Russian and Ukrainian and its functionality and convenience is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from our regular customers that already are using it.

The cargo shipment declaration and insurance system is available for Marine Insurance Services SIA clients who work on the basis of annual open insurance policies. Access to the system is provided by your insurance broker.



  • Insurance takes effect immediately after the declaration of the cargo shipment (if the shipment details match with the conditions of your general policy);
  • Payment terms may be as follows:
  • Once a year: minimum annual payment / premium (prepayment), with recalculation at the end of the year upon the real declared turnover.
  • Once a quarter: the minimum quarterly payment / premium (prepayment), with recalculation at the end of the year upon the real declared turnover.
  • Once a month (on actual data; with a delay of payment 20-55 days): payment of the premium occurs once a month upon the fact of all cargo shipments declared in the previous month. A report is prepared from the declaration system for the previous month usually prior the 10th date of each calendar month. On this basis an invoice is prepared for payment of the premium (with a payment period of 15 days), i.e. taking into account that the invoice is being prepared on the 10th date, and it is necessary to pay it by the 25th date, the average payment delay is 20-25 days, and the maximum delay is 50-55 days (for cargoes insured at the beginning of the month).



  1. On you first logging into the system, your insurance broker will assign you a permanent username and a password.
  2. After logging in to the system, proceed to cargo declaration by clicking on the field “+New declaration”.
  3. Fill in all required fields:
    – Beneficiary’s legal name;
    – Description of the insured cargo;
    – Departure date of the shipment;
    – Place of cargo departure (country, city) and place of cargo destination (country, city);
    – Mode of transport (options: air, land, sea, combined);
    – Category of cargo (in accordance with your policy);
    – Transport documents (marks and numbers);
    – Manufacturer’s / supplier’s invoice numbers and issue dates;
    – Letter of credit information (if needed);
    – Sum insured (100% or 110% of the invoice value + freight) and currency (EUR, GBP or USD).
  4.  Then you can either confirm the declaration by clicking “Validate” or “Save as draft” (in case you need to double-check it, add something to it and / or reconcile it with your client or bank).
  5. When all the required fields are completed and checked, click on “Validate”. You will have a possibility to see insurance premium and draft of insurance certificate. Verify all the information once again and if everything is in order, click “Submit”. The declaration will be submitted to your insurance broker and during the working day you will receive an email from him when the declaration is confirmed.
  6. After confirmation of the cargo declaration by the broker, the certificate of insurance can be saved to your disk from the declaration system (in the language that you require: English, Russian or Ukrainian). The certificate is valid for your needs and for providing to your partners, banks.

All the cargo shipments declared by you will be stored in the system, and you can check at any time, upload the declaration for the required period, find the certificate you need.


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