Riga Shipping Dinner 2020 ir atcelts. Ceram, ka tiksimies nākamgad!

5 augusts, 2020

After careful monitoring of the situation, risks analysis and consultation with our clients and partners – we have made the difficult decision not to hold Riga Shipping Dinner in 2020. When in March we decided to postpone the event to September, we were full of optimism and hope that by autumn the epidemiological situation associated with COVID-19 would return to normal, but, unfortunately, the situation in Europe and around the world is still unstable, the risks remain that that at any time, new bans and restrictions may be introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

We are cancelling the 2020 event, taking into account, that our event is international (this year we have registered participants from 19 countries) and we are determined to keep this format always. Moreover, the Riga Shipping Dinner format has always been very friendly, conducive to close communication, because when friends and long-term partners meet, one cannot do without handshakes, embraces and informal conversations with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

With the hope that in 2021 all the hardships and limitations associated with COVID-19 will be gone, we announce the dates of Riga Shipping Dinner 2021 — April 29-30, 2021 (April 29 – Official programme (Conference and Gala Dinner); April 30 – Informal programme (Shipping golf day)).

The gala dinner programme is moved to new dates on Spring 2021. The conference programme will be updated at the beginning of 2021.

Fees paid could either be used for participation in Riga Shipping Dinner 2021 or refunded. Please inform us if you wish to refund the participation fee. If you have booked a flight and/or a hotel, be sure to make cancellation or rescheduling in time.

We wish you good health and enduring spirit for this challenging time, full of changes and uncertainties!
Please contact us if you have any questions!

E.: info@shippingdinner.com


© Marine Services Group